February 14, 2009

Traditional vs. Digital Methods of Designing

Technology has changed the way we work. Some of the advantages of technology in designing are:
  • One of the great advantages of computer-generated art is the time (and therefore money) saved in its production.
  • Changes and duplications may take only a mouse click.
  • Multiple elements can he brought together easily the initial concept may quickly become the final product.
However, there are cases in which you are better off using non-­electronic media and techniques. For instance, you may wish to create a brush stroke pattern that would require skills or software you don't possess, or would simply require more time to generate elec­tronically than traditionally. In such a case, it would make sense simply to scan hand-drawn art. Or you may want a printed effect that would he awkward or time-consuming to achieve by your own manipulation of digital art, but that could he achieved very simply at the stripping stage of film production.

Some tasks for which the computer clearly has the edge are
  • Page layout
  • Technical drawing
  • Photo retouching and manipulation
  • Three-dimensional rendering
  • Presentations, animation, and multimedia projects.
Other areas that are more of a judgment call are freehand drawing and calligraphy and conventional (as opposed to digital) photography. In some cases, a combination of approaches may work best.

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